1. Subject:

Atheists Shocked… Science Proves Biblical Cure For Diabetes?


Atheists are shocked!

Researchers at the Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism for the Christian Health Science Institute have come up with a Biblical method to reverse Diabetes straight from the Bible!

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

They claim that consuming their “miracle shake” their patients have reversed their type 2 diabetes.

In addition to that, they have seen:

– a reduction in triglyceride levels from over 400 to 150 in less than 4 weeks…

– the loss of 10 pounds of unwanted body weight in 14 days…

– strengthening blood flow to beat the effects of both atherosclerosis and high blood pressure; and

– increased the immune system’s ability to effectively combat insulin resistance!

The best thing is that biblically accurate “miracle shake” is 100% natural!

So there’s no need to:

  • Go on disgusting diets;
  • Spend hours at the gym;
  • Put up with nasty injections;
  • Undergo invasive surgery; and
  • Take more prescription medications.

I highly recommend you check out their one of a kind presentation before it gets taken offline.

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

Do it while you still can watch it for free.

God bless and speak soon.





Christians Prove Science Wrong – Again!


Who said science is always right?

If you only believed then science, then you would think that there is no cure for diabetes.

Well, this is where science got it wrong.

You see, the researchers at the Christian Science Institute have re-discovered an ancient method hidden inside script that actually reverses diabetes!

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

And the best thing is:

  • It doesn’t matter how old you are…
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman…
  • It doesn’t matter how healthy or unhealthy you are…

In fact, they claim within 24 hours of applying this one simple trick, you’ll actually notice a tangible positive difference.

And in just 7 days you’ll start to see the beginnings of a complete transformation…

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

Why are they so confident this works?

They have treated more than 13,836 diabetics in 32 countries, and their Christian team of faith-based, international scientists and researchers have formulated a 100% natural Diabetes treatment that has been clinically tested and proven to not only prevent, but in many cases reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes along with other conditions such as reducing hypertension and decreasing high cholesterol.

In fact, this method was actually derived and had its foundation from ancient healing methods founded from the Bible!

They have released a special presentation and you can watch it right now.

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

Make sure you do this soon before it gets banned and taken offline by Big Pharma.





Finally: Reverse Diabetes In 4 Weeks?


I have great news for you

If you suffer from Diabetes and want to know of a natural way to reverse it, then this email is perfect for you.

You see, the researchers at the Christian Health Institute have founded a Biblically accurate method to reverse type 2 Diabetes.

They claim you get results in just 4 weeks!

They have released a special presentation for it.

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

The best thing is, the method they talk about works at such a low cost that it might as well be free.

All you need to do is watch this and follow the instructions, and they say you will literally see and FEEL the effects of diabetes starting to decline in a matter of weeks.

From the results they’ve observed, this method is up to 200% more effective than most type 2 diabetes drugs currently on the market.

Furthermore, this biblical treatment has allowed patients to:

  1. overcome insulin resistance;
  2. significantly diminish pain from neuropathy;
  3. inhibit the onset of blood vessel damage leading to blindness; and
  4. in some cases completely prevented limb amputations and other risky surgeries.

This means, potentially within just four weeks…

No more painful injections.

No more expensive prescription medications.

And no more annoying side effects.

If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, then make sure you watch this presentation:

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

Make sure you watch it now before it’s banned!





Miracle ‘Power Shake’ Reverses Diabetes In 4 Weeks?


I was surfing the internet and came across this amazing one of a kind presentation by the Christian Health Institute.

They have developed a method derived from the bible, that has since been reviewed and backed by the most credible academic journals that naturally reverses diabetes!

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

Using this one simple natural biblical power shake, 90% of their patients in just 4 weeks were also able to:

  1. significantly reduce or even reverse the effects of diabetes;
  2. reduce high blood pressure;
  3. decrease cholesterol levels;
  4. rapidly lose unwanted body weight;
  5. significantly diminish pain from neuropathy;
  6. inhibit the onset of blood vessel damage;
  7. combat atherosclerosis;
  8. overcome insulin resistance;
  9. significantly reduce their reliance on their need for prescription medication; and
  10. in some cases completely prevented limb amputations and other risky surgeries.

So if this sounds too good to be true, then I recommend you click on the link below and watch their presentation:

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

Make sure you do it before it gets taken offline!




The Bible Has The Cure For Diabetes Here…


If you suffer from diabetes and want to know how to treat it within just 4 weeks.

Then you need to watch this amazing presentation from the Christian Health Science Institute.

They have come out with a presentation that not only treats the problem at its core, but also addresses other related issues too.

And the best thing was, it was done at such a low cost that it might as well be free.

From the results they’ve observed, this method is up to 200% more effective than most type 2 diabetic drugs currently on the market.

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

This means, potentially within just four weeks…

No more painful injections.

No more expensive prescription medications.

No more annoying side effects.

And no more diabetes.

The best thing is, it is almost guaranteed to get you results.


It doesn’t matter how old you are…

It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman…

It doesn’t matter how healthy or unhealthy you are…

And it doesn’t even matter if you’re not a Christian and don’t believe in God..

This method will work for you.

[Click Here To Watch Their Presentation]

Make sure you watch it before it’s removed.

Do it now before it’s too late while you still can.




Subject: Diabetes Is A Scam, And You Fell For It!

Yep.  You fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Maybe you realize it, and maybe you’re still in the dark.  Either way though, they’re LAUGHING at you right now (all the way to the bank).

If you’re not already pissed off, you will be after you click here:  ((Insert Link))

It’s disgusting that we let them get away with crap like this, but they do, and every year, they only get more brazen about it.

They don’t want you to know the truth, because if you did, you’d stop sending them your hard earned money – and you are, each and every month!  It has to stop.  Here’s how:  ((Insert Link)).

Don’t believe their lies anymore.  Take back control over your life and your health.  Wipe that smug look off their face and get off the treadmill!

((Insert Link))


Your Name



Subject: Diabetes: The Great Lie

Yeah, so…they lied.  You’re probably not surprised by that.  After all, they lie all the time.  It’s what they do.  It’s all they know, and it’s how they get you to keep sending them money, month after month.

You’ll be shocked when you click here:  ((Insert Link))

Shocked, and probably a little pissed off, and that’s okay.  That’s good, actually, because if you get mad enough about how badly they’re taking advantage of you, maybe you’ll do something about it.  Maybe you’ll put a stop to it.  You should, because you deserve better.  ((Insert Link))

Stop giving them power.

Stop letting them control your life.  Here’s how:  ((Insert Link))

Talk Soon,

Your Name



Subject: STOP The Madness!

When you get sick, it’s natural to trust your doctor, right?  After all, he’s the guy who’s gonna fix you.

Except when he’s been bought and paid for by someone else, of course, and that’s exactly what has happened.

Worse, it happened right under your nose, and now, they’ve got you hooked.  They’ve got you locked in, and you send them your hard-earned money every month without even thinking about it.

Click here to find out how you can stop the madness ((Insert Link))

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result.  That’s what they’ve got you doing.  It’s not working.  You know it’s not working, so do something about it!  Don’t let them get away with it.  ((Insert Link))

Take control of your life and your health.  Don’t spend one more DAY letting them lie to you.  Get off the treadmill they put you on.  Here’s how:  ((Insert Link))


Your Name



Subject: One Of The Greatest Lies Ever Told

If you want to tell a lie, tell a big one and repeat it often.

That’s easy to do if you’ve got several billion bucks to spend, and that’s exactly what the medical community has been doing for decades.  And you fell for it.

It’s not your fault – they spent big bucks to make sure you believed what they’ve been telling you.  If you want the truth, click this:  ((Insert Link))

Stop believing the lies.  The only reason they’re telling them to you is because they want to separate you from your hard-earned money, and it’s working.

If that pisses you off, and you’d like to keep more of the money you make each month, you can!  Here’s how:  ((Insert Link))

Don’t let them get away with the scam for even one more day.  Take control of your life back.  THEY can only continue to get away with it if we let them.

The madness and lies have to stop!  Click this, and put them in their place!  ((Insert Link))


Your Name



Subject: Breaking:  You’ve Been Scammed!

It’s a hard thing to admit that you’ve been scammed, but you have.  If you’ve got diabetes, you’ve been sending the corporate Fat Cats that control the medical industry big piles of your money, month in, and month out, because you bought into the lies they’ve been telling you.

The question is, are you angry enough yet to do something about it?  If you are, here’s what you can do ((Insert Link))

See, as long as they keep you in the dark, they know you’ll keep sending them cold, hard cash.  The moment you start seeing through their lies, it’s game over.  You won’t need them anymore, and they know it.

You’ll be stunned when you click this ((Insert Link)).  It will open your eyes.

Don’t enable them, especially not when your health is at stake.  If you thought you could trust your doctor, this link ((Insert Link)) will change your mind.  The truth hurts, but it’s something you need to know if you want to stop wasting money and get healthy!

Talk Soon,

Your Name



Subject: Sad And Shocking!

It’s sad and shocking how many people will tell lies to separate you from your money, but it happens every day.

If you have diabetes, you probably part with a ton of it every month, on the promise that your doctor and Big Pharma will make you better….so why haven’t they?

The answer is simple:  If they made you better, they’d lose you as a customer.  That’s the LAST thing they want!  It’s time to fight back!  Here’s how:  ((Insert Link))

The entire medical community has been corrupted by the almighty dollar.  They need to keep you in the dark and keep the truth hidden from you because if you knew the truth, you wouldn’t need them anymore.

Stop playing their game!

You’ll be genuinely pissed off when you click this ((Insert Link)) and see just how bad it’s gotten, but that’s a good thing.  If you get angry enough, you’ll do something about it, get off the treadmill they’ve got you on and take control of your life and health.

Click this ((Insert Link)) to find out how!


Your Name



Subject: It’s Time For TRUTH!

Remember back in the day, before everything became about money, that you could actually trust what your doctor told you?

Yeah, it sucks that those days are gone, but they are.  Now, all you are to your doctor and Big Pharma is a paycheck.  They keep you sick, keep feeding you “magic pills” that don’t help, and of course, they keep taking your money.

They’re probably laughing at you all the way to the bank.

Pissed off yet?  You should be, but there’s something you can do about it.  Click this ((Insert Link)) to start fighting back!

You don’t have to be a slave to the Big Pharma Fat Cats!  You don’t have to keep shoveling your hard-earned money into their pockets month after month.

You’ll be enraged when you click this ((Insert Link)) and discover just how bad it’s gotten.

Don’t let them control you for another MINUTE!

Click here ((Insert Link)) for truth, health, and freedom!


Your Name



Subject: Diabetes Shocker!

The medical community has spent billions laying it on thick about a lot of things, but they sure spend a ton of money to keep people in the dark about diabetes.

It’s not hard to see why – there are BILLIONS at stake, and Big Pharma has almost every doctor in the country in their very deep pockets.  As a result, tens of millions of hard-working Americans are trapped, sending buckets full of money every month to line the pockets of the Fat Cats.

You might be one of them.  If you are, there’s something you can do to fight back! Here’s how ((Insert Link))

It doesn’t have to be this way.  You don’t have to sacrifice your money and your health month after month, hoping for a promise that THEY never seem to deliver on.  They promise to make you better, and you believe them, in good faith.

How’s that working out for you?

Yeah…didn’t think so.  But you can fix it.  ((Insert Link))  You can fix it today.

Imagine not having to part with hundreds of dollars every month.  Imagine RECOVERING…actually fixing the problem instead of just holding the line.

It’s not a myth.  Stop believing Big Pharma’s lies.  Click here ((Insert Link)) if you’re pissed off enough to do something about it.

Talk Soon,

Your Name



Subject: The Big Lie

Big Pharma has deep pockets.  They spend tons of money every year to keep you in the dark where diabetes and other diseases are concerned, and guess what?  It’s working.

That’s how it goes with Big Business in America these days.  They only make money if they keep you in the dark.  If they keep you from knowing what they know.  After all, if you knew the TRUTH, they’d lose a customer, which means losing money, and they can’t have that.

Click here ((Insert Link)) to do something about it!

Ask yourself this:  If Big Pharma’s collection of “magic pills” actually worked…if they actually cured disease, then why aren’t you better already?

The truth is, whether you’re talking about diabetes or some other disease, Big Pharma only makes money if they keep you on the treadmill, so they’re not AT ALL interested in curing what ails you.  They just want your money!

That needs to stop, and it needs to stop now.  Click here to find out how you can get away from the lies: ((Insert Link))

Stop watching the Fat Cats laugh all the way to the bank as they take your money.  It’s time to do something about it.  ((Insert Link))


Your Name



Subject: You’ve Been HAD!

Yep.  You read that correctly.  You’ve been had.  Every month, THEY keep taking your hard-earned money, and you keep handing it over to them.

You know who THEY are, and maybe you even hate them for taking your money and never delivering on their promises.

You should.  You should be pissed.  It’s disgusting, what they do.

Fortunately, there’s a way you can fight back!  Click this ((Insert Link)) to find out how!

Don’t let the Big Pharma Fat Cats control your life for even one more day!  Don’t let them keep scamming you.  You can (and should) fight back!

If you’re ready to stop being a pawn of Big Pharma, click this ((Insert Link) and get your life and health back.


Your Name